Coming from a very tumultuous childhood, including a father in and out of prison, James strived for a sense of purpose and belonging. When many friends and family were answering the call and enlisting in the early 2000’s, James chose to continue down the wrong path in life, following in his father’s footsteps. At his father’s passing in 2007, James made the decision that he wanted something different for himself in life and joined the Army as a Motor Vehicle Operator. The Army gave SGT May purpose and drive along with a comradery he had never experienced before. He knew this role was meant for him!
SGT May was stationed in the frigid but beautiful Fort Drum, New York with the 2 Brigade Combat Team, 2-14 Infantry Unit. Being part of this unit afforded him many new opportunities and unforeseen experiences. This is also where he met the beautiful Shyanne, his future wife, while she was vacationing in the area…. of all places! The couple hit it off immediately and stayed connected, visiting each other regularly until SGT May’s 2009 deployment to Baghdad, Iraq.
During his deployment, he served as a gunner for the lead truck in the convoy security squad for all missions in and around the city. Their unit completed over 170 successful missions. Most missions were blackout missions, conducted at night, putting them at the receiving end of numerous bomb attacks. On February 15, 2010, SGT May’s truck suffered a direct hit from a triple EFP (explosively formed projectile) which the enemy placed behind a concrete barrier at an Iraqi Police Checkpoint. The EFP was aimed to dismantle the engine as well as take out the Truck Commander (TC) and Gunner. Luckily, the strongest of these three bombs was aimed at the engine block of the MRAP, while the other two bombs turned to shrapnel and debris, targeting SGT May and his TC. SGT May was told that the portion that hit him on the head broke open his skull, forcing his brain back two inches.
SGT May does not remember much of the incident. He woke up a few days later at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC. Shyanne was there, and stayed by his side for what would be the most difficult eight months of his life. The two were married in late 2011, and Shyanne continues to stick by him through thick and thin. SGT May’s recovery included treatment for Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury, herniated and bulging discs in his lower back, and PTSD. During inpatient care at Walter Reed, he experienced intensive speech therapy, physical therapy, cognitive therapy, occupational therapy, and mental health therapy. SGT May’s goal was to return to the Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) in Fort Drum. He worked diligently to achieve this goal before ultimately deciding in 2012 to retire from the military.
During this healing process, SGT May was self-medicating with drugs and alcohol. His wife did not leave him during this struggle – instead she helped in guiding him to the only thing that could fill this void of emptiness, previously filled by the Army…GOD!
SGT May and Shyanne have now been together for 15 years and have three beautiful children. Bringing God into their lives as a center point has completely changed his trajectory in life and given him true purpose and direction. SGT May went back to school and has earned several degrees. He has started a company based in Houston, purchased a home, and has a great support network of people who genuinely care for him. The May family enjoys outdoor activities, working out, jujitsu training, taking family vacations, and playing board games.
SGT May states, “God’s path is never the easy one, but I truly believe everything happens for a reason, no matter how bad. He put a woman who cares deeply for me, three awesome children, and great people in my life. And continues to work on me no matter what! These are things I would have never had if I chose to stay on the path of a degenerate and not joined the military, or had not been stationed in an icebox of a duty station, or had not been blown up.”